Our people
The efficiency of EREVNA’s team is based on the combination of international expertise and local skills.
Our team leaders are seasoned Australian and Chilean drillers and fitters, with a minimum of 10 years of experience on several continents. Our other employees are local workers, selected for their knowledge of the local field conditions and their willingness to evolve.
This mutual skills transfer accounts for the strength and uniqueness of EREVNA’s teams: drilling technical and management expertise on one side and perfect command of the local background on the other side.
Our HR policy reflects one of our main goals: to be a factor to human development. Besides receiving continuous training in the field, our employees attend specialized training courses financed by EREVNA (fire-extinguishing techniques, first aid, heavy vehicle driving, etc.).
They also receive higher wages than the local standards because we want to give them and their families an opportunity for upward social mobility.

“I worked for big companies in the past : you're only a number for them. At Erevna, we all know each other. We're a tight, motivated team: it makes the work all the more effective. „
A 50-year-old Australian, is a 20-year experienced driller. After starting his career in his native country and before ending up in Mauritania.
He worked in Guinea, Ghana and Senegal. «I came by chance, I stayed for the people »

“Before starting this job, I wanted to go to Europe to try my luck as most of the people here. Today I am trained in a job with a future in my own country: I do not think of leaving anymore.„
The 26 year-old Mauritanian is Simon's protégé. Within three years, he has learnt to master the fundamentals of a driller's job and to use the relevent technical vocabulary in English.
« I started from scratch but I will soon have a real job, a booming one. »
Simon« The climate and isolation of the Mauritanian desert accounts for difficult drilling conditions. But we're fortunate enough to have excellent equipments and more than that, a very tight crew. I joined EREVNA because I'd previously worked with Aboubacar and I trusted him : I know he does an excellent job. But I stayed because of young workers like Mamadou. They come from nothing but they're highly motivated. By training them, I really feel like I'm making a difference, like I'm giving them new opportunities. It's gratifying for them, as well as for me. »
Simon« I nicknamed Mamadou « ferret », because he's always running from one place to another. It's true that you've to adapt to the local customs, including religious practices, but everything runs smoothly with my team. We have different cultures but we respect each others so that it's more of a mutual gain than an obstacle. »
Simon« and that's exactly what I wish for him! That he can take my place one day. I'm proud of the progress he's made so far. It all depends on him, but the way he's going, I think he'll get there. »
Mamadou« Before finding this job, like many others, I wanted to leave and try my luck in Europe. But now I'm learning a job that gives me real opportunities for the future in my own country, so I don't think of leaving anymore. »
Mamadou« I was a mere apprentice but Simon saw my motivation to make progress and didn't hesitate to give me more and more responsabilities. Now, I can almost manage the drill by myself, even though I still have a lot to learn. Simon is my teacher : as far as work is concerned, he doesn't let anything slide, he always pushes me to get better. But back at the camp, he's more than a friend, almost like a father. After spending so much time with us, he's been totally « mauritanised », so much so that we now call him « Simon the Mauritanian »
Mamadou« Communicating well was the biggest challenge at first. We used signs, mimes, bits and pieces of sentences... but we worked hard together and it paid off: I now know how to work the drill and I get by in English, which is one more asset for me. One day, I'll steal Simon's job! »